Reuven Feuerstein, Rafael S. Feuerstein, Louis H. Falik
Publication Date: July 29, 2010
Pages: 176
Originally developed to help students overcome learning obstacles created by emotional trauma or neurobiological learning disabilities, Reuven Feuerstein’s work is now used in major cities around the world to support improved thinking and learning by all students. This book is the most up-to-date summary of his thinking and includes accessible descriptions of his tools and methods for cognitive modifiablilty and mediated learning. With dramatic case studies throughout the text, Feuerstein and his co-authors define intelligence as a dynamic force that drives the human organism to change the structure of thinking in order to answer the needs it encounters. They describe in detail the specific skills of the three stages of thinking:
They show how student thinking can stall in multiple ways at any of these stages and how intentional mediation can help students restructure their thinking and improve their ability to learn. Similarly, the authors address mediation of social and emotional skills that impact learning.
This new book from an educational icon and his colleagues will inform the work of any educator seeking to improve student achievement in their school or district.
Reuven Feuerstein was the founder and director of the Feuerstein Institute (formerly ICELP) and professor of psychology in Bar-Ilan University’s School of Education (Ramat-Gan, Israel), and a Nobel Prize nominee. Louis H. Falik is emeritus professor of counseling at San Francisco State University and a senior scholar at the Feuerstein Institute. Refael Feuerstein is chairman of the Feuerstein Institute. Their books include Beyond Smarter: Mediated Learning and the Brain's Capacity for Change and A Think-Aloud and Talk-Aloud Approach to Building Language: Overcoming Disability, Delay, and Deficiency. Refael Feuerstein is vice-chairman of the International Center for the Enhancement of Learning Potential (ICELP) in Jerusalem, Israel. Louis H. Falik is Emeritus Professor of Counseling at San Francisco State University and a senior scholar at ICELP.
“Reuven Feuerstein is one of a handful of educational thinkers and practitioners who has made a significant, lasting contribution to our understanding of human learning.”
—Howard Gardner
“America has the opportunity and obligation to fully develop the intellectual capital of all its students. Reuven Feuerstein has provided us with the antidote for the pernicious gap between intellectual potential and academic achievement that millions of our students experience.”
—Yvette Jackson, Chief Executive Officer, National Urban Alliance
“Whether you are a policymaker, a superintendent, a principal, or a classroom teacher, this book will give you both hope and practical knowledge.”
—Monsignor James E. Gilg, Superintendent of Schools, Archdiocese of Omaha
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