Friday, November 22 |
11:00 | Katie Sciurba | Reading and Relevance, Reimagined |
2:00 | Ann D. David | When Teaching Writing Gets Tough |
3:00 | Antero Garcia | Pose, Wobble, Flow |
5:00 | Hannah A. Franz | A Linguistically Inclusive Approach to Grading Writing |
Saturday, November 23 |
11:00 | Deborah Vriend Van Duinen | Widening the Lens |
11:30 | Rebecca Woodard and Kristine M. Schutz | Teaching Climate Change to Children |
12:30 | Vaughn W. M. Watson, Michelle G. Knight-Manuel, and Patriann Smith |
Educating African Immigrant Youth |
1:30 | Adrienne Minnery and Antony T. Smith | A Cyclical Model of Literacy Learning |
3:00 | Gloria Swindler Boutte, Jarvais J. Jackson, Saudah N. Collins, Janice R. Baines, Anthony Broughton, and George Lee Johnson Jr. | Pro-Blackness in Early Childhood Education |
4:00 | Kelly K. Wissman | Teaching With Arts-Infused Writing Pedagogies |