Welcome! In this virtual book display for the 47th Annual LA CITY/County Conference on Gifted Education, we feature a range of new and noteworthy Teachers College Press titles selected for the conference community. A few titles are highlighted below as an introduction.
Please use the menu to find books that match your specific interests, e.g. Multicultural Education, Equity Pedagogy, Curriculum Studies, ELL/DLL, among others.
Be sure to take a look at Conference Keynote Speaker Tyrone C. Howard's TC press titles: the bestseller Why Race & Culture Matter, 2nd edition, as well as Black Male(d) and Expanding College Access for Urban Youth. Please see below for more details on these titles by Tyrone C. Howard.
To receive a 15% discount off list price and free shipping for Teachers College Press paperbacks, please use promo code LAGE2021virtual on checkout. Offer is valid only for prepaid orders, shipping within the U.S. Offer expires June 30, 2021.
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