Publication Date: March 12, 1999
Pages: 216
Series: Series on Social Emotional Learning
Announcing—The premier volume in the new Series on Social Emotional Learning!
Social and emotional learning needs to be an integral part of children’s education in conjunction with linguistic, mathematical, aesthetic, kinesthetic, and ethical learning. In this innovative volume, leading national experts describe the range of programs and perspectives that teachers, counselors, and administrators can use to promote social-emotional education in today’s middle schools. This book will also serve as a useful guide for educators providing concrete strategies, curricular-based programs, and perspectives that can be integrated into school life—inside and outside the classroom. Chapters focus on the importance of comprehensive and integrative programs as well as conflict resolution, self-esteem, and appropriate behavior in the classroom—including how educators, themselves, can develop in these areas.
Jonathan Cohen, Ph.D., is Director of the Program for Social and Emotional Learning and Adjunct Associate Professor in Psychology and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University
“This volume reflects the most sophisticated thinking about social and emotional development. At the same time, however, it never deviates from the experiences of young students—those experiences that are universal to youth everywhere, such as physical and psychic growing pains, and those that are exacerbated in our time, such as the power of the media and the temptations of drugs….Anyone concerned about the development of youth today will be instructed by these pages.”
From the Foreword by Howard Gardner
“The Series on Social Emotional Learning from Teachers College Press promises to be the definitive source for the field, defining sound practice in education for emotional intelligence.”
Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence
“This book synthesizes our knowledge of adolescent development with the what, why, and how of social learning, opening a window on the processes of the mind and heart….A must for teachers!”
Ann Lieberman, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
“The general public has now embraced the idea of emotional intelligence….In this new series from Teachers College Press, the editors have gathered together the world’s experts to discuss ways in which to incorporate this new kind of learning into the classroom. These books present theory, background research, and curricula in ways that are immediately accessible to educators and parents.”
Peter Salovey, Yale University
“ Educating Minds and Hearts is a welcome reminder to all of us that teaching and learning involve much more than performance on standardized tests. This book provides theoretical context, lessons learned, and pictures of programs that pay attention to the development of the whole student in schools across the country.”
Paula Evans, Annenberg Institute for School Reform
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