Edited by: Karen Mundy, Sarah Dryden-Peterson
Publication Date: August 12, 2011
Pages: 336
Series: International Perspectives on Educational Reform Series
Inspired by the work of the late Dr. Jacqueline Kirk, this book takes a penetrating look at the challenges of delivering quality education to the approximately 39 million out-of-school children around the world who live in situations affected by violent conflict. With chapters by leading researchers on education in war and other conflict zones, the volume provides a comprehensive and critical overview of the links between conflict and children’s access to education, as well as a review of the policies and approaches taken by those offering international assistance in this area. Empirical case studies drawn from diverse contexts—Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, and Uganda (among others)—offer readers a deeper understanding of the educational needs of these children and the practical challenges to meeting these needs. This inspiring collection:
Karen Mundy is Director of the Comparative, International, and Development Education Centre (CIDEC) and Associate Professor of Adult Education and Community Development at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto (OISE/UT). Sarah Dryden-Peterson is a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada postdoctoral fellow affiliated with CIDEC.
“Inspiring and refreshing.”
—Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
“This volume is a wonderful testimony to the passionate pursuit that animated Jackie Kirk: education for all, and especially for girls, in the precarious setting of fragile states. It is particularly apt that Jackie’s own writings are included. The book represents a remarkable collaboration of impressive colleagues.”
—George Rupp, President and CEO, International Rescue Committee
2012 Jackie Kirk Outstanding Book Award Honorable Mention
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