Welcome! In this virtual BUILD Conference 2021 book exhibit, we feature a range of new and noteworthy Teachers College Press titles for the BUILD community.
In addition the ERS, the PAS & BAS and other books for continuous quality improvement in ECE programs, Teachers College Press publishes a range of professional books in the field of education covering multicultural education, early literacy, early intervention, social emotional learning as well as books for ECE professionals on leadership and education policy.
A few titles are highlighted below as an introduction. Please use the menu to find books that match your specific interests.
Special Note -- Coming this fall:
We are pleased to announce the forthcoming new title A Guide to Analyzing and Interpreting ECERS-3 Data by Richard Clifford, Noreen Yazejian, Wonkyung Jang, and Dari Jigjidsuren. This new title in the ERS Family of Products will be published in November 2021. Please see more details on this new title below or download the flyer.
To receive a 15% discount off list price and free shipping for Teachers College Press paperbacks, please use promo code BUILDConf2021 on checkout. Offer is valid only for prepaid orders, shipping within the U.S. Offer expires October 30, 2021.
Thanks for your interest in Teachers College Press titles!