Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa is co-founder of Conexiones: The Learning Sciences Platform, an instructor at the Harvard University Extension School and Harvard College Summer School where she teaches a course called “The Neuroscience of Learning: An Introduction to Mind, Brain, Health and Education,” and an associate editor of Nature Partner Journal Science of Learning. She is a former member of the OECD expert panel to redefine teachers’ new pedagogical knowledge due to contributions from technology and neuroscience.
She has taught Kindergarten through university, and she has more than 35 years’ experience in more than 40 countries around the world. She firmly believes in the power of a single teacher to change many lives. As an interdisciplinary researcher in neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and education (cultural and linguistic anthropology), Tracey is author of 12 books and dozens of peer-reviewed articles on themes ranging from improved indicators to measure educational quality; the expansion of the Mind, Brain, and Education field; learning in the digital age and paradigm shifts using appropriate technologies; bilingualism and multilingualism; and the general improvement of teacher education practices.
Tracey received her BA in international relations and BS in communications from Boston University (magna cum laude), her master’s in education from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education, and her PhD from Capella University. She is a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA); the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS); founding member of the Global Science of Learning Education Network (GSoLEN); International Mind, Brain, and Education Society (IMBES); the Society For Neuroscience (SfN); and World Educational Research Association (WERA). She currently lives in Geneva, Switzerland.
Her books include Writing, Thinking, and the Brain: How Neuroscience Can Improve Writing Instruction, Questions Kids Ask About Their Brains: Answers That Help Students Learn and Teachers Teach, Bringing the Neuroscience of Learning to Online Teaching: An Educator’s Handbook, and The New Science of Teaching and Learning: Using the Best of Mind, Brain, and Education Science in the Classroom.