Stephanie L. Knight is a Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education at Pennsylvania State University. She received her BA in Romance Languages and Literature from the University of Kentucky, her MA in Secondary Education from Lehigh University, and her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Houston. Prior to joining the faculty at Penn State, she was at Texas A&M University, where she held the Houston Endowment, Inc., Endowed Chair in Urban Education and received a university award for outstanding teaching. She is currently editor of the Journal of Teacher Education and was previously co-editor of the Teaching, Learning, and Human Development section of the American Educational Research Journal. Her research interests include the impact of classroom processes on student outcomes and pre-service and in-service teacher professional development. She has published numerous books, chapters, and journal articles in these areas and was named a University Faculty Fellow at Texas A&M in recognition of her scholarship. Dr. Knight teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in educational psychology and teacher education at Penn State.