Sarah Michaels received her PhD from the University of California, Berkeley and is professor of Education and senior research scholar at the Jacob Hiatt Center for Urban Education at Clark University. A sociolinguist by training, she has been actively involved in teaching and research in the area of language, culture, “multiliteracies,” and the discourses of math and science. She works to bring together teacher education, practitioner research, university-based research on classroom discourse, and district-based efforts at educational reform. She is currently involved in a variety of research projects that focus on academically productive talk in math, science, and English language arts, from prekindergarten through 12th grade. She recently coauthored a book, sponsored by the National Research Council, called Ready, Set, Science!: Putting Research to Work in the K–8 Science Classroom. Sarah has published widely in the area of classroom discourse analysis and has received numerous awards for both teaching and scholarship.