Sandra Murphy, formerly a high school teacher of English and journalism, is now professor emerita at the University of California, Davis. At Davis she directed the Center for Cooperative Research and Extension Services for Schools and acted as faculty advisor to the Area 3 Writing Project. She served on the Standing Committee for the National Assessment of Educational Progress and co-authored the Common Core State Standards for writing. Among her publications are three she has written with her co-editor of this volume, Mary Ann Smith: Writing Portfolios: A Bridge from Teaching to Assessment, Uncommonly Good Ideas: Teaching Writing in the Common Core Era, and Writing to Make an Impact. Her most recent publication is Assessing Writing to Support Learning: Turning Accountability Inside Out (with Peggy O’Neill). According to Sandra, what she knows about teaching writing is anchored in her experience as a teacher and in what she has learned from the many talented teachers and researchers she has worked with over the years.