Ofelia García is professor in the PhD programs in urban education and Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian literatures and languages at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. She has been professor of bilingual education at Columbia University’s Teachers College and codirector of its Center for Multiple Languages and Literacies. She has also been dean of the School of Education at the Brooklyn Campus of Long Island University, professor of education at the City College of New York, and visiting professor at universities in Europe and Latin America. Her research focuses on the education of language minorities, bilingualism and biliteracy, and macrosociolinguistics. Among her recent books are Bilingual Education in the 21st Century: A Global Perspective (2009); Handbook of Language and Ethnic Identity (2010, with J. A. Fishman); Negotiating Language Policies in Schools (2010, with K. Menken); Imagining Multilingual Schools (2006, with T. Skutnabb-Kangas and M. Torres-Guzmán); Bilingual Education: An Introductory Reader (2007, with C. Baker); and Language Loyalty, Continuity, and Change (2006, with R. Peltz and H. Schiffman). She is the associate general editor of The International Journal of the Sociology of Language. She has been a Fulbright Scholar and a Spencer Fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Education and is a fellow of the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) in South Africa and a board member of the National Latino Education Research Agenda Project. In 2008 she was the recipient of the NYSABE Gladys Correa Award.