Milbrey W. McLaughlin is the David Jacks Professor of Education and Public Policy at Stanford University. Professor McLaughlin is Co-director of the Center for Research on the Context of Teaching (CRC), founded in 1987. McLaughlin also is Executive Director of the John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities, a partnership between Stanford University and Bay Area communities. She is the author or coauthor of books on education policy issues, including School Districts and Instructional Renewal (with Amy Hightower, Michael Knapp, and Julie Marsh), 2002; Communities of Practice and the Work of High School Teaching (with Joan Talbert), 2001; Community Counts: How Youth Organizations Matter for Youth Development, 2000; Teacher Learning: New Policies, New Practices (with Ida Oberman), 1996; Urban Sanctuaries: Neighborhood Organizations in the Lives and Futures of Inner-city Youth (with Merita A. Irby and Juliet Lang-man), 2001; Identity and Inner-city Youth: Beyond Ethnicity and Gender (with Shirley Brice Heath), 1993; Teaching for Understanding: Challenges for Policy and Practice (with David K. Cohen and Joan E. Talbert), 1993; and Teachers’ Work (with Judith Warren Little), 1993.