Elizabeth J. Meyer has been a classroom teacher, outdoor educator, and a Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program grantee. She has been involved in grassroots education and equity work in the United States and Canada for the past 15 years. She completed her M.A. at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and her Ph.D. in education at McGill University in 2007. Meyer has worked as an independent consultant, a researcher, and is an instructor at Concordia and McGill Universities in Montreal, Quebec. Her work has been published in journals such as Gender and Education, McGill Journal of Education, LEARNing Landscapes, and The Journal of GLBT Youth. She also has written chapters for several books, including Combating Gender Violence in and Around Schools (Leach & Mitchell, Eds., 2006), Media Literacy: A Reader (Macedo & Steinberg, Eds., 2007), Queering Straight Teachers (Rodriguez & Pinar, Eds., 2007), Girl Culture: An Encyclopedia (Mitchell & Reid-Walsh, Eds., 2008), Rocking Your World (Churchill, Ed., 2009), and Diversity and Multiculturalism: A Reader (Steinberg, Ed., 2009). She won the 2021 AERA Distinguished Contributions to Gender Equity in Education Research Award