Kathy Sylva, Iram Siraj, Brenda Taggart, Denise Kingston
Foreword by: W. Steven Barnett, Ellen C. Frede
Publication Date: January 24, 2025
Pages: 96
Young children’s learning depends on a wide range of experiences that support their holistic development. While many different curricular frameworks are used around the world, there is increasing agreement that the emerging academic skills of language and literacy, mathematics, and science should be supported by a playful pedagogy in the early years. The Early Childhood Quality Rating Scale—Emergent Curriculum (ECQRS-EC) is designed to measure quality in these key areas within preschool settings. In addition to three content-area subscales, this evidence-based tool includes a subscale dedicated to diversity and inclusion to help educators support gender and cultural differences in children 3–6 years old who are developing at different rates. Because it recognizes the important role of the adult in providing children with high-quality interactions, this new quality rating scale can be used for research, teacher self-evaluation, and program improvement, audit, and regulation.
Book Features:
Kathy Sylva is Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Oxford. She has researched extensively in the education and care of young children, with a special interest in the effects of early education and also the role of education in combating social disadvantage.
Iram Siraj is Professor of Child Development and Education at the University of Oxford, UK and Research Professor, University of Maynooth, Ireland. She is coauthor of each of the Curriculum, Leadership and Interaction Quality Rating Scales (CLIQRS) and has led several RCTs on effective professional learning.
Brenda Taggart is an Honorary Senior Research Associate at University College London Institute of Education. She co-led on the Effective Pre-school, Primary, and Secondary Education (EPPSE 1997-2014). Her background is in teaching and research that explores the impact of educational initiatives.
Denise Kingston is Senior Researcher at Oxford University and an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Sussex. She is a specialist in children’s development, with a background in educational psychology. Her research focus is effective professional development and early childhood pedagogy and practice.
“Using the ECQRS-EC as a teacher self-assessment tool would be extremely effective for ensuring that teachers understand the intentional pedagogical strategies that enhance learning... Large-scale use in state and other continuous improvement systems can help to provide all children with the early childhood education each needs to thrive.”
—From the Foreword by W. Steven Barnett and Ellen C. Frede, co-directors, National Institute for Early Education Research, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
“An indispensable tool for enhancing preschool quality. This outstanding quality rating scale focuses on intentional pedagogy, pinpointing the core qualities in emergent academic skills, thus guiding policymakers, researchers, and early childhood educators in how to achieve high quality learning situations. It clearly describes distinct levels of quality in language and emergent literacy, mathematics, science, and planning for diversity and inclusion in preschool settings.”
—Sonja Sheridan, professor emerita, University of Gothenborg, Sweden
“The research-informed ECQRS-EC enables a much-needed objective assessment of pedagogy and learning environments. It identifies areas for improvement which is the critical first step towards targeted strategies to enhance quality. The scale is an indispensable resource for stake holders, including researchers committed to providing young children with strong foundations for lifelong learning and success.”
—Nirmala Rao, Serena H.C. Yang Professor in Early Childhood Development and Education, The University of Hong Kong
“The ECQRS-EC is part of a comprehensive set of tools that highlight the crucial role of the educator in children’s learning. Its clear guidance on the actions of educators and their planning, assessment, and teaching supports for children’s learning is a gift for anyone dedicated to providing high-quality early education and care.”
—Tara McLaughlin, associate professor, Massey University, New Zealand
Foreword by W. Steven Barnett and Ellen C. Frede vii
Introduction to the Early Childhood Quality Rating Scale—Emergent Curriculum (ECQRS-EC) 1
The Underlying Principles of ECQRS-EC 3
Rationale for the Development of New Items and Indicators in the ECQRS-EC 5
Language and Emergent Literacy 5
Changes to and Additional Items in Emergent Mathematics 5
Emergent Science 7
The Overlap Between the Sustained Shared Thinking and Emotional Well-Being Scale (SSTEW) and Mathematics and Science Items in ECQRS-EC 7
Supporting Diversity and Inclusion 8
Reliability and Validity 9
Content of the ECQRS-EC Scales 11
Preparing to Use the ECQRS-EC 13
Timing 13
Contextual Information on the Center 13
Definitions 13
Optional Scoring Systems 14
Conducting the Observation 15
Scoring the Scales 16
ECQRS-EC and the “Spirit of the Scales” 17
Cautions in Use 17
Using ECQRS-EC as a Self-Assessment and Improvement Tool 17
Making Judgments 18
Use of Supplementary (Nonobservation) Evidence 20
The Score Sheet, Joint Observation Sheet, and ECQRS-EC Profile 22
Content of the Scales 23
Subscale 1: Language and Emergent Literacy 24
Item 1: Environmental Print: Letters and Words 24
Item 2: Book and Literacy Areas 26
Item 3: Adults Reading With the Children 28
Item 4: Sounds in Words 30
Item 5: Emergent Writing/Mark Making 32
Item 6: Talking and Listening 34
Item 7: Words and Sentences 36
Subscale 2: Emergent Mathematics 38
Item 8: Counting and the Application of Counting 38
Item 9: Understanding and Representing Number 40
Item 10: Math Talk and Thinking Mathematically 44
Item 11a: Mathematical Activities: Shape 48
Item 11b: Mathematical Activities: Sorting, Matching, and Comparing 50
Item 11c: Mathematical Activities: Subitizing 52
Subscale 3: Emergent Science 56
Item 12: Natural Materials 56
Item 13: Areas Featuring Science/Science Resources 58
Item 14: Developing Scientific Thinking and the Scientific Process 60
Item 15a: Science Activities: Nonliving 62
Item 15b: Science Activities: Living Processes 64
Item 15c: Science Activities: Food Preparation 66
Subscale 4: Supporting Diversity and Inclusion 68
Item 16: Planning for and Supporting Individual Learning Needs 68
Item 17: Gender Equality and Awareness 70
Item 18: Race Equality and Awareness 72
The ECQRS-EC Information Sheet 74
Rough Plan of Indoor and/or Outdoor Areas Being Observed 75
Score Sheet 77
Joint Observation/Inter-Rater Reliability for the ECQRS-EC 83
ECQRS-EC Profile 84
References 85
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