Alice Tesch Graham, Gia Anselmo Renaud, Martha McCann Rose
Publication Date: August 14, 2020
Pages: 120
How can novice special education teachers improve their practice and grow as professionals? How can veteran teachers remain connected to their profession and share their knowledge and skills? In this readable, research-based guide, the authors outline a program of collaboration to enable novice teachers to gain insight from their more experienced colleagues. The book argues that epistemic empathy is a core attribute to develop in practitioners at all levels of experience in order to apply principles of special education practice in thoughtful and innovative ways. The authors show how to develop the dispositions and repertoire for successful teaching by building bridges across the profession. This dialogical approach is the foundation for sustained growth at all levels of practice, and for deepening the kind of practical wisdom that comes with time.
Book Features:
Alice Tesch Graham is a professor of special education at Salve Regina University. Gia Anselmo Renaud is an assistant professor at Bridgewater State University. Martha McCann Rose is a professor of education and fellow at The Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy at Salve Regina University.
“Building on their decades of experience as teacher educators and special education teachers, Graham, Renaud, and Rose have written an easy-to-read book addressing critical topics in the preparation of special education teachers and built on a framework of epistemic empathy. The very real examples of dilemmas faced by teachers, their mentors, and administrators will encourage readers to consider others’ perspectives when problem-solving challenging situations. The book will be a helpful resource in preparing special education teachers, mentors, or administrators.”
—Lynne Ryan, Providence College
Introduction 1
How Learning Theory Shapes the Argument for Epistemic Empathy 1
The Promise of Epistemic Empathy 3
Instructional Principles and Practices 5
The Story of Ruby and Her Associates 5
The Metaphor of the Bridge 6
The BRIDGE Solution 7
1. Special Education Policy 15
Reviewing ESSA 15
Reviewing IDEA 16
Reviewing Section 504 18
Implementing the Legislation 19
Epistemic Empathy Exercise 20
Bridge Builder 20
2. Instructional Planning 22
Gathering Data 22
Incorporating Best Practice 23
Considering Additional Strategies 25
Managing Different Levels of Need 27
Epistemic Empathy Exercise 29
Bridge Builder 30
3. Student Behavior 31
Providing an Environment for Success 31
Applying Positive Behavior Intervention Supports in the Classroom 33
Implementing a Behavior Intervention Plan 35
Making Students Accountable for Their Own Behavior 36
Epistemic Empathy Exercise 37
Bridge Builder 38
4. Curriculum and Assessment 44
Applying Standards to Special Education 44
Meeting Challenges of the General Education Curriculum 45
Reviewing Specialized Curriculum and Assistive Technology 47
Assessing Student Progress Toward Meeting the Standards 50
Epistemic Empathy Exercise 51
Bridge Builder 52
5. Culturally Responsive Pedagogy 53
Establishing Classroom Climate 54
Fostering Communication 55
Promoting Learning Strategies 56
Understanding Behavior Management 59
Epistemic Empathy Exercise 60
Bridge Builder 60
6. Social and Emotional Learning 62
Developing Empathy 63
Engendering Self-Determination 64
Teaching Students Who Have Experienced Trauma 64
Building Social and Emotional Skills Outside the Classroom 65
Epistemic Empathy Exercise 67
Bridge Builder 68
7. Collaboration 76
Recognizing the Perspective of Another 76
Developing Relationship Skills 77
Fostering Relationship Skills and Teaching 78
Enhancing Social Awareness and Communication 80
Epistemic Empathy Exercise 83
Bridge Builder 83
8. Application 85
Leveraging Social Interaction, Epistemic Empathy, and Disciplinary Knowledge 87
BRIDGE: A Problem Solving Model 87
BRIDGE: In Action 89
Epistemic Empathy Exercise 91
Bridge Builder 92
References 96
Index 103
About the Authors 110
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