David Allen is an associate professor at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York. He has taught English and ESL at the elementary, secondary, college, and adult education levels. He has been a researcher for projects on authentic student assessment and teacher inquiry at the Coalition of Essential Schools, Brown University; Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education; and the National Center for Restructuring Education, Schools, and Teaching, Teachers College, Columbia University. His most recent books are Protocols in the Classroom: Tools to Help Students Read, Write, Think, & Collaborate (with Tina Blythe, Alan Dichter, and Terra Lynch), Facilitating for Learning: Tools for Teacher Groups of All Kinds (with Tina Blythe), Looking Together at Student Work, 3rd ed. (with Tina Blythe and Barbara Powell), and Powerful Teacher Learning: What the Theatre Arts Teach about Collaboration.