Chauncey Monte-Sano is an associate professor of Educational Studies at the University of Michigan. A former high school history teacher and National Board Certified teacher, she currently prepares novice teachers for the history classroom and works with veteran history teachers through professional development programs. Her current research examines how history students learn to reason with evidence in their writing, and how their teachers learn to teach such historical thinking. She has won research grants from the Spencer Foundation and the Institute of Education Sciences and research awards from the National Council for the Social Studies and the American Educational Research Association. Her most recent scholarship can be found in the Elementary School Journal, the Journal of the Learning Sciences, Social Education, and Phi Delta Kappan. She has twice won the American Historical Association’s James Harvey Robinson Prize for the teaching aid that has made the most outstanding contribution to teaching and learning history—once as part of the team who created the Historical Thinking Matters website ( and once for her book with Sam Wineburg and Daisy Martin, Reading Like a Historian: Teaching Literacy in Middle and High School History Classrooms (Teachers College Press, 2011). She can be contacted at